52nd edition
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The power of Storytelling to make your work speak for you
As technologists, you take pride in your technical output. But does your audience (clients, seniors, stakeholders) perceive your work as highly as they should? In other words, does the perception of your work fall short of your work itself? Are you communicating your outputs with clarity, engagement and impact? Enter storytelling. No, not your grandma’s stories or fictional tales where things are made up. Storytelling at work consists of using a set of proven techniques to improve the impact of your work outputs. In this quick 2-hour session, we will go through a quick overview of business storytelling, understand why is it so powerful, and share some simple tips you can immediately start using to improve your critical communication. The session would be in a workshop mode, with interactive exercises and activities thrown in.
By: Ravishankar Iyer is a storytelling coach and consultant - and enjoys enabling senior leaders enhance their work outcomes by training them in effective business storytelling. His core storytelling skills were learnt in a 6.5-year management consulting stint at Feedback Infra, where (over multiple night-outs!) he led teams that made information-rich presentation stories to demanding clients - PE funds such as Advent International and India Equity Partners come to mind. His story skills rest on a deeper foundation of education, experience and interests: - Ravi gets his understanding of numbers and data from his accounting days. He's a rank-holder Chartered Accountant (2001) - IIM-A (2005) built the foundation of other business domains such as marketing, operations, HR et al. This exposure was enhanced during the consulting years; and in his stint at B-ABLE (a leading skills-development social enterprise), which gave him an exposure to operations and rural marketing. - Finally, an abiding interest has been reading non-fiction and listening to podcasts. As a history geek, Ravi has written the tours for 'CaptivaTour' - India's highest rated mobile audio-guides for historical monuments. You can connect with and follow Ravi on LinkedIn or on his website: www.storyrules.in
7:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Break & Networking
7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Geek Night is a monthly event to promote sharing of technical knowledge and increase collaboration between geeks in Hyderabad. It is organized by a passionate group of programmers and sponsored by ThoughtWorks.
It happens on the First Wednesday of every month, unless that's a public holiday or any other unavoidable cause, like an Alien invasion.
Geek Night Volunteers